Miscellaneous Monday will have a new topic every week. This week is my week to introduce you all to NRSVampChick Designs and how it got started for those of you that don’t know.
I started things out with a book review blog, Not-Really-Southern Vamp Chick. On it I talk about all things relating to paranormal & urban fantasy books. Through that I got to know several jewelry makers & crafters and found the wonderfulness that is Etsy.
Finally I decided to try my hand at making my own things and haven’t been able to stop. I just want to make more and more!
First, I started out reconstructing pieces. Like this one which was a necklace that dangled, but never hung well. I don’t think I ever wore it because it just didn’t look good on at all. So I made a choker and set of earrings out of it.
Then I began making a few pieces that I had always wanted to have, but couldn’t ever find like I wanted.
I wanted to make some non-jewelry items too, such as bookmarks, and hope to add more things soon!
I do craft fairs on occassion, so for those I tend to make things a bit different than what I put in my shop. Well some of it is, not all of it. I will try to keep track of most things that I make. You can see these at my photo albums of my Facebook Fan Page. I’ll keep an updated link list at the My Creations page here too. If you ever want to get something you see in a picture that’s not in my shop, let me know and I’ll add it there for you. :)

I made a few things that aren’t pictured while I was at the Fall Craft Fair. A few fellow vendors saw me working and wanted custom creations or matching pieces for other things. It was so much fun!
Now it’s Christmas time & I can make fun items for the holidays! Some are in my shop now & some I’m saving for a craft fair, but I must say that they’re fun to make!

So that’s what this year has been like for me. A bit crazy & full of new things. The jewelry part has just been since July too, so I’m looking forward to the new year & a full year of crafting!